Locally-Designated Historic Landmarks

Preservation of La Crosse’s architectural heritage began is the 1970s when several properties were listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Historic preservation from a municipal perspective began in 1973 with the appointment of a preservation group which made a preliminary reconnaissance survey of historic buildings in 1977. A detailed professional intensive survey was completed in 1984 and updated in 1996.

The City of La Crosse Preservation Ordinance that provided for local listing of architecturally and historically significant buildings was revised in 1994 requiring all previously listed properties to be re-listed. Individual properties in the city are eligible for Historic Landmark status if they meet criteria similar to the National Register. Properties are presented to the Historic Preservation Commission for consideration and approval. If approved by the commission, the application for historic status is then forwarded to the La Crosse City Council for final approval. Designation as a Historic Landmark by the city does create some level of protection for historic properties. There is a “demolition denial” clause in the ordinance and a non-binding design requirement as well. There are currently over 50 buildings listed as City of La Crosse Historic Landmarks, including the seven identified on this tour.

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